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Basic civil engineering interview questions

Basic civil engineering interview questions

Minimum spacing between chairs is 1 metre
  • sand used in India obtained from Ennore ( Tamil Nadu)
  • Concrete cube is filled in 3 layers
  • Minimum percentage of steel in column is 0.8 % of gross area
  • 1 yard is equal to 3 feet
  • Slump cone field in 4 layers
  • Binding wire required of 1 metric ton is 8 kg to 10 kg
  • Technical name of binding wire is Annealed wire
What is ties ?
Ties are transverse reinforcement of column
What is stirrups ?
Stirrups is transverse reinforcement of beam

What are the concrete test ?
  • Slump test
  • Compressive strength test
  • Water permeability test
  • Water absorption test
Type of slumps
  • True slumps -   the concrete mass after the test when slumps evenly all around without disintegration is called TRUE slump.
  • Shear slump - when one half of the concrete mass slide down the other is called  Shear slump. This type of slope obtained in a lean concrete mix
  • Collapse slump - when the sample is collapse due to adding excessive water. it is known as collapse slump.
  • Zero slump - for very stiff aur dry mixes. it does not show any changes of the slump after removing the slump cone is called Zero slump.
What do you mean by honeycomb  in concrete ?
 Honeycomb is also known as air pocket is not thing but the air voids in concrete.  it is usually performed during the concrete casting.
What are the common method of curing the concrete ?
  • Spraying
  • Wet covering of surface by gunny bag
  • Ponding
  • Application of curing chemicals
  • Sprinkling
What is grouting ?
Grout is a fluid form of concrete which is used to feel the voids.

Basic civil engineering interview questions


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